Chances for undecided

<p>Hi, I'm applying undecided to the school of arts and science or w/e it's called and hoping AA helps me out.</p>

<p>Location: CA</p>

<p>ACT: 27 </p>

<p>AP's: Span- 5 Eng- 4 US History- 3</p>

<p>GPA: 3.28</p>

<p>ECs listed on app: football, track, was in 2 clubs, and work</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: did finances that were really receipts at a family friend's company and also had a job there too</p>

<p>Essays (subject and responses): pretty darn good.</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: better than great</p>

<p>Counselor Rec: great</p>

<p>School Type: Private, does not rank</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Hispanic, I hope this helps a lot.</p>


<p>and i know what the chances are on that graph thing.</p>

<p>btw i don't want to start any AA arguments. at all.</p>

<p>I would say you are probably pretty borderline, if that helps at all.</p>

<p>I know this is off topic, but I really dislike how people of different races expect being a "minority" will give them a better chance of getting into a school. I don't know if this is true or not, but still it shouldn't matter what race/ethnic group you are, instead it should be based solely on grades.</p>

<p>Sorry for that I just had to get that off my chest haha. But anyway my friend had a higher gpa then yourself, same ACT score, but was instate and she got in.</p>

<p>You apply to the university as a whole, regardless of your proposed major. Your gpa is not offset by a fantastic ACT. Ethnic staus is immaterial here. Look at how hard you worked to get those grades- if you are admitted will you be able to keep up with students who come with a better knowledge base (as reflected in their gpa) and learn at a faster pace? UW is geared to the higher average level of its students- you would be at a disadvantage and have to work hard to succeed. Given the competition for places you may not be admitted. Wherever you go to college prove you can do the work and succeed. Good luck.</p>

<p>thanks for the tips, wis 75</p>

<p>Saying ethnic status does not carry weight is incorrect. The average admissions rates for minorities are similar but their average stats are such that GSW qould have a far better chance than the charts say.</p>

<p>yeah like i know that they will carry weight, i just don't know, like everyone or most people i'm sure, how much weight it'll carry. i guess that's to be determined if i get in or not.</p>

<p>The stats for being admitted may be higher, but not for graduation. Getting in is one thing, being willing to work hard to succeed is another- anyone with lower grades and corresponding lesser knowledge base, study skills, ability or whatever will have to work to overcome these to keep up with those with better preparation, regardless of ethnic background. Do it and the degree is just as earned as anyone else's. Universities see the potential, they don't promise results for any admitted student.</p>

<p>which is why you get some weird decisions in the college apps process- b/c they see what someone has the capacity of doing.</p>

<p>i do have 75 hours of comm. service over 3 years, and i did get 2 awards. i was a team captain in football and track, and i took summer school classes at a CC</p>

<p>idk how much that helps or is factored in.</p>

<p>Grades and test scores count the most. I would guess that most UW students will have participated in EC's in HS (there is also actual data in the UW website stating such).</p>

<p>Also lots of emphasis on quality of classes taken. A tougher load gets more consideration.</p>

<p>yeah like i have a pretty tough sched. and i feel a little confident about my shot at wisco, and ultimately i think i can get in just looking at the other people who applied and got in in the past, it's just the lingering wonder and question of "what if?" that's biting me. But yeah thanks</p>

<p>so final verdict, match?</p>

<p>Low reach;</p>