Chances for wisconsin (hopefully as a safety).

<p>If you go to UW you will find plenty of people with better stats and smarter than you (the two don’t always correlate- gifted can be bored and not do the work in HS)- can be an eye opener to find a 14 year old girl in your Honors Physics who goes to a Madison public school.</p>



<p>Have they really? For full-pay students from states without tuition reciprocity? </p>

<p>I don’t actually believe you. Do you have any evidence of that?</p>

<p>Wisconsin was my D1’s safety. Applied in September was in by the end of October. She didn’t write a great essay - that was the whole point - it was a safety based on stats alone. Her stats, like yours, were way out there. I don’t actually believe anyone read the essay. I think it just went into the “automatic” pile.</p>

<p>I mean no disrespect. I think Wisconsin is an ideal safety because it’s a great school that will admit a great student based on stats alone. It’s refreshing that there seems to be at least be one of this caliber! It goes to show that you don’t need an admissions office full of social engineers to create a vibrant class. (That’s a dig on Michigan).</p>

<p>I’m no expert, but if you have to ask if you’ll be admitted on a message board, with assessments by “anonomous” responders, it says that Wisconson isn’t a safety school. Not to mention the Admissions team (who do review this site) will look for your creds, realize Wisc isn’t your target, and bounce you.</p>

<p>To me, a safety school is a slam dunk. You don’t have to be concerned about the admissions process.</p>

<p>billy - you are exactly right…you are no expect :)</p>



<p>The only evidence I have comes from forum posts from people with great stats and/or rumors. I’m definitely not saying it’s the norm, just that there’s a possibility, and if there’s a possibility then that doesn’t strike me as the best safety, that’s all.</p>

<p>Agree from posters reports that top stats don’t guarantee admission. Your D’s essays weren’t as bad as you thought- one person rejected stated he basically said he didn’t care in his statements.</p>

<p>Thank you badger2012 and ClassicRockerDad, you get exactly where I’m coming from. I understand that if I blew off the essays I would get rejected and in my opinion would deserve to get rejected, but rest assured i dont think many people would be dumb enough to ever do that when applying. The rest of you are simply insecure and did not understand my intentions. I mean absolutely no harm, UW is a great school, as I stated numerous times before. I posted this on MANY schools forums so don’t think I came on here to my safety school only just to post it to indulge in myself. I figured I was posting it everywhere else I was applying, why would I not here? If I would have not posted and just assumed UW was a complete safety that would have insulted you as well. If I went to UW I understand and accept that some people there would be way smarter than me, its true of almost every school. CC is designed for these types of threads so if you dont like it, get off.</p>

<p>I think you knew your chances before creating this thread. But as others have said, UW has a tendency to reject students that they believe were robots in high school. Not saying that you are, but I think admissions would sooner accept a Wisconsin native with a 28 on their ACT than someone who they believe is applying just for the sake of applying. </p>

<p>Good luck wherever you end up going.</p>

<p>Stats aren’t that important. People get into Madison with much lower ACTS, almost no extracurriculars, and more average grades. Just write some really good essays and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>A note to others asking their chances as the fall application season progresses. </p>

<p>Try to be brief and omit extraneous info. An unweighted gpa, test scores, rigor of coursework compared to that offered at your school plus some activities are sufficient for us to comment on your chances. Unless you are an underrepresented minority not much else matters. Family income, school attended, religion, etc don’t matter. Improving grades do count. More people will be willing to finish your post if it is succinct. Many have your stats, we don’t care about the courses taken- “several AP’s” will do.</p>

<p>Good credentials. Do a good job on the essays- show you want to attend UW, that was the downfall of a poster last year.</p>