Chances? MIT EA, Harvard, etc.

<p>hey y'all,</p>

<p>(just to clarify so ppl don't bash me, i'm a college student that doesn't frequent this site much anymore ... this post is for my younger brother ... curious about chances, i know it's hard to say but any insight is appreciated!)</p>

<p>GPA: 97.3 uw, 100.6 w (hardest course load, includ. only 2 APs offered)
Rank: 1/~250 (school doesn't officially rank)
SAT I: 2330 (750 cr, 800 m, 780 w)
SAT II: 800, 780, 770, 750 (math 2, us hist., world hist., bio)
AP: 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (bio, world hist., human geo, us hist., english lang. -- 2 of these were from AP classes, 3 were from honors classes/self-study)
Senior Year: five APs</p>

Mathletes (9-12, captain)
... Nassau county all-star math team (top 50 in county)
... Nassau county interschol. math league - Gold
... AIME qualifier (AMC certificate of distinction)
... AMC certificate of achievement (9/10 grader w/ 90+ on AMC-12)
... Mandelbrot competition (ranked in 2nd tier - northeast)
... NY math league - Silver
... some random awards/participated in several math contests w/ HS + county all-stars</p>

<p>Science research (9-12, offered as elective @ HS)
... HS project in engineering
... Garcia summer program @ stony brook univ. (did another engineering project)
... Siemens semifinalist
... Junior science and humanities symposium
... Long Island science and engineering fair: 2nd place in category
... sending both projects' (Garcia + HS) abstracts as supplements</p>

<p>Baseball (9-12)
... 3-yr Varsity starter
... Captain
... Long Island travel teams (play in summer, fall + winter clinics -- since middle school; currently w/ L.I. Jr. Ducks)
... participated in various summer tournaments (NY & elsewhere) w/ travel team
... highest batting avg. on HS JV team
... some random awards through HS</p>

<p>Basketball (9-12)
... also play for local parish travel team (in summer, fall, winter)</p>

<p>Band (9-12)
... lead Drummer
... in HS Symphonic band, Jazz band, and Pit orchestra
... NYSSMA selection/solo
... been playing for 10 yrs.
... play guitar as hobby</p>

<p>HS Newspaper (9-12)
... Layout (computer) editor</p>

<p>Random stuff:
Volunteering (some) through NHS, Athletes Creating Excellence, a couple random HS groups/events
Stud. Gov - President of class 12
National Honor Soc. - President of HS chapter
AP Scholar w/ Distinction
National Merit Semifinalist</p>


<p>^ that's the gist of it.</p>

<p>Passions are math/science/technology, which hopefully comes thru... AND sports (primarily baseball, play all year round... during school year, play w/ travel team on weekends + practices @ night... generally play baseball + basketball simultaneously, throughout school yr... would want to play for college club team)</p>

<p>List is a bit top heavy:</p>

Harvard (love boston), Pton & Yale (why not?)
Columbia Fu
Carnegie Mellon
J Hopkins
Suny Stony brook</p>

<p>thx for any insight!</p>

<p>you win .</p>

<p>I’m still pretty new on CC. but it is definitely one of the most impressive stat i’ve ever seen</p>

<p>He definitely has a chance! Ivies can be unpredictable, but he is definitely competitive.</p>

<p>Sounds like it’s a match! What are the “hooks” he is focusing on, esp in his essays? Science? Sports? Looks like MIT is a favorite, but maybe that’s deceptive 'cuz HP don’t offer ED. Good luck!</p>

<p>haha thx yall o.O
I was just kinda curious cuz MIT has been his dream since middle school… Wanted to see how he stacks up to kids these days, so it’s cool to see that y’all thinks he’s competitive, even at HYPM. </p>

<p>About his essays, one is about a (now-deceased) friend that taught him spontaneity that math/its rigidity doesn’t teach… Other tentative one is about science research.</p>

<p>Any other insight/general advice is appreciated :)</p>