Chances of being readmitted this week

<p><a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>What are my chances of being readmitted these last few days before the quarter officially starts? Isn’t there anything I can do to still go to Irvine short of offering my soul to the devil? All the community colleges have already started. After talking to an admissions rep they sounded really nice, however ultimately it is not up to him, he heard my story but will the people who actually make the decision want to readmit me since the quarter is fast approaching? </p>

<p>I know at CAL they have fall extension for those who were admitted spring semester and are not matriculated. But at Irvine there seems to be nothing like that. I just can’t get over my dreams being crashed after all this and I need to be readmitted.</p>

<p>I am thinking of faxing a copy of my appeal to the DEAN of the school I got admitted to and a letter asking if he can do anything about it. I mean the Deans must have some influence right? Other than the Dean I don’t know who else to send it to. Perhaps Mike Knox?</p>

<p>not to sound negative, but it’s probably not going to happen dude. there’s a mess of paperwork and financial crap that needs to be completed before enrollment, and thats why they have the deadlines when they do, so the offices have enough time to process everything. with orientations nearing and full for some schools, and having already taken place at others, i would put your chances at slim to none, and slim is the underdog. also, i wouldnt imagine it would be easy to find the dean’s fax number (although i could be wrong, i haven’t actually tried to). all i can say is, some campuses have a winter quarter application period, try and reapply if you can, if not, i offer you my deepest condolences and the best of luck.</p>

<p>good luck uciclassof14. let us know how it goes.</p>

<p>Faxing your appeal to the Dean couldn’t hurt. Basically you want to do everything possible so that if denied, you will know that you did everything you could. Good luck.</p>

<p>Just wanted to let everyone know I did not get readmitted.</p>

<p>Thats utter Bull$h!t, I am very very sorry to hear that uciclassof14. You can always apply as a transfer, so there is still hope. Keep your head up.</p>