Chances of getting in A&M. Thank you all !

<p>Ok, so i wanted to do this for a long time and now that my SAT score is in, im posting it. Basically i really want to go to Texas A&M, im a out of state student from New York City and want to experience something totally different and A&M offers that. Let me warn you that my SAT score is exactly not up to par with most of CC users.</p>

1420 SAT Score
(June score, took it again in May, also will in Fall)
(Plan on taking a class in Fall)
(Im also waiting on ACT score for June, will take that as in in Fall)
470 R
480 M
470 W</p>

<p>Class Rank: 25%
(Didn't have the best sophomore year and their is only 100 students in grade.)</p>

<p>GPA: 82% which in my school is high, theres alot of rigor.</p>

<p>Rigor: Global History, English, Spanish and soon Statistics, Government and Forensics. Also all my electives are business classes. I want to major in Accounting or Econ.</p>

<p>EC: 350 hours of community service, 8 months studied abroad at Dominican Republic, their did mission work in Dominican Republic and Haiti with Medical Ministry. I also have a perhaps the perfect resume, Class President, Internship with Bank of New York, Awards, College Resident Programs at St. Johns, Pace and Wharton. College Classes at Baruch. You name it, its in their. </p>

<p>Extra: Im Dominican (Was born here in NY) and also would be the first College Graduate in my Family. I would also be the first one to finish High School in my intermediate family. I have a great story of over coming obstacles. MOST IMPORTANTLY I REALLY WANT TO GO TO A&M, i would do anything ! I mean it ! (I know about the about Galvestown and Binn but i do not want to spend a year at another college.)</p>

<p>My school is top 2 percentile in NYC, and is ranked #1 in Queens and i am one of its best students but but just because of the SAT score, my chances are so much lower and that is unfortunate. Unfortunate because i know if they knew me personally, they would select me in a heart beat. Im actually in the final round of Junior Achievement Student of the Year. I plan in visiting A&M this Summer. Thank you all for your time. What's your take ?</p>

<p>A lot of people are going to tell you that you might have a hard time getting in because of your grades. Personally I think I barely got in with a 1800 on the SAT and a 27 on the ACT. However the admissions process is holistic so if you can heavily stress your extra curricular and strong community service record you’ve got a good chance. Make sure you write solid admissions essays. Stress how badly you want to become an Aggie and what you will contribute to A&M if excepted. Also get your SAT scores up to at least a 600 on math and critical reading. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Also, make sure that you go on some official college visits where they put your name down. The admission people will see your interest in the school.</p>

<p>Sounds like you have a lot going for you aside from your grades (which aren’t bad, necessarily). It’s just that at A&M 25% does not really stand out. I will quote from their admissions site for the incoming class:</p>

<p>Class Rank
Top 10% of High School Graduating Class: 54%
Top 25% of High School Graduating Class: 90%
Top 50% of High School Graduating Class: 99%</p>

<p>I’m going to be frank with you – your SAT score will not get you in. Bank on doing well enough on the ACT though. Normally I would say shoot on getting a 26 or higher but since your grades do not stand out that well I would say go for at least a 30 to be guaranteed for the academic admit.</p>

<p>The posters above were definitely right in stating that YOUR INTEREST DOES MATTER! If you show A&M that you want to go there they will more often than not overlook average test scores and class rank. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you for the advice. When i worte rigor i meant AP classes. I cant seem to edit that on my phone. </p>

<p>Im planning on taking a bell curve SAT class to raise my score for the Oct. SAT. Lets see if i can raise 200+ points.</p>

<p>I have emailed the office like 3 times. To demonstrate intreset and also pictures of a college fair i did where i representes A&M. Im excited about the chance but its sad to know even if i raise my score it will still be up too luck.</p>

<p>Im really trying to put my best application forward.</p>

<p>200 more points on your SAT will help greatly. All that you can really do is check to see what their average SAT scores are and hope that yours are above those thresholds. Anything below their averages will hinder you in the admissions process. </p>

<p>It will help that you’re out of state and are showing interest. I was admitted last December for the incoming class this year and am out of state as well. Not a stellar ACT score, but my grades were really good and I showed a ton of interest in the college (visited twice and did a program with the Corps). </p>

<p>You’re absolutely right – all you can do really is just put together a good application. Send them to an admissions counselor there who will read them and give you some good feedback – that’s what I did and it helped a lot. </p>

<p>Good luck and let us know if you have any more questions.</p>

<p>Thank you, you guys have been greatly supportive. For a long time i have been looking for a sample PDF application. They didnt have at apply Texas becuase application open up in August? Anyone know where i can find one to show it to the admissions people? Also if i dont make it to A&M, what ar</p>

<p>You can spend a year at Texas A&M Galveston (TAMUG). If you have a 2.5 GPA you are guaranteed admission to the main campus at College Station. TAMUG is also home to the Texas Maritime Academy (TAMUG). If you are interested in the Corps of Cadets at TAMU going to TAMUG and the TMA will get you ready for the Corps at the College Station campus. One advantage to the Corps is that out of state students get in-state tution. The “Blinn TEAM” program isn’t something that you can apply for, but if offered to you, you should also consider. The Corps thing isn’t for everyone so think hard before saying that you want to go that way. Good luck.</p>

<p>Don’t get discouraged!
I’m a bad SAT & ACT tester.
The highest ACT score that I got was a 23
Got AP credits for 4 courses
Lots of community service
3 languages
Officer position in two organizations </p>

<p>Got offered Blinn TEAM.
Honestly I’m glad it happened to me!
I get to experience the aggie life and save lots of money and meet amazing people at blinn!</p>

<p>Forgot to add : I was 17% of my high school class.</p>

<p>Guys, I have recently received the distinguished honor of being selected Junior Achievement Student of the Year of New York. This is a prestigious honor and the only of it’s kind in New York. I hope this adds to the picture. This is a BIG deal, I’m even getting media attention.</p>