Chances of Getting in

<p>Hi! I'm looking into Cornell University and Dartmouth College right now. I already have an idea of Cornell University and that I have good chance of getting in there with ED if my test scores are what they need to be. However, I'd like to know what my chances are for Dartmouth for ED. Can I get in with these stats? I'd like to do biological/biomed engineering for premed and yes I know Cornell's stats for engineering. [I calculated unweighted GPAs using a base scale, A+ to A- is 4, B+ to B- is 3....]</p>

Freshman year schedule: Honors English, Journalism, Basic Public Speaking, World History, Honors Geometry, Honors Biology, CP French II, Phsyical Education, Health Lab 1</p>

<p>Freshman year unweighted GPA: 4</p>

<p>Sophomore year schedule: Honors English II, Yearbook Design (club-class), Honors US History I, Honors Algebra II, Honors Chemistry CP French III, Spreadsheet and Database Management, Radio Broadcasting, Physical Education II, Health II</p>

<p>Post-sophomore year cumulative unweighted GPA: 3.975</p>

<p>Junior year schedule: AP English Language/Composition, Yearbook Design, AP US History, AP Psychology, Honors Math Analysis, AP Chemistry, Honors French IV, Phsyical Education, Health</p>

<p>Post-Junior Year Cumulative GPA (unweighted-tentative): 3.8638 (with a B+ in Honors Math Analysis, AP Psychology, and a B in AP English Lang/Comp)</p>

<p>Volunteering: 100+ hours at St. Peter's University Hospital, 40 hours in Star Program which is the school tutoring program, 240 hours at local mosque</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: Key Club (2 years), Media Production Club (1 year), Robotix (3 years), Yearbook (2 years), Newspaper (3 years), Painted Words (3 years), Chemistry Olympics (2 Years), Environmental Club (1 Year)</p>

<p>Leadership positions: Section head for Yearbook this year, will most likely make editor next year in Yearbook, editor in school newspaper, Senior volunteer at St. Peter's, Senior Leadership member, Senior volunteer at local mosque, will be doing Senior Leadership club-class at school next year</p>

9th Grade-Honor Roll (2 marking periods)
9th Grade-High Honor Rolle (2 marking periods)
10th Grade-Honor Roll (1 MP)
10th Grade-High Honor Rolle (3 MPs)
11th Grade-Honor Roll (3 MPs)
National Honor Society
French National Honor Society (2 Years)
Governor School Nominee</p>

<p>Standardized Tests
ACT: (according to CB, 31% submitted ACT scores, and the range was 28-34) say I make a 33 on the one in June [SAT regular IS NOT MY THING]
Math II/C (June 07): say I make 750+
Chemistry (May 07): say I make 750+
Biology E/M (June 07): say I make a 750+
APs: say I manage to hit my target scores (our teachers insist that these don't matter in the admissions process, do they not even look at them)
US History-5
English Lang/Comp-4


<p>umm, werent u in the brown discussion board. pick a college u want to go to. You're probably one of those people who thinks that an ivy league is no different froma ny other ivy league. id say, do ur research, pick a definite college and stick with it. dont go prouncing around different boards hoarding people whether ull get in or not</p>

<p>Yeah, I was, but again, I'm really looking at Cornell, but is there really a problem with asking about chances at different schools? The only reason I posted at the Brown board was because the counselor's at my school tell anyone who wants to go there that they won't get in, and I just wanted to find out really how tough Brown's admissions process, whether someone with my stats would even have a chance of getting. And don't think I fit into any stereotype; I know how different each of the Ivies are from each other.</p>

<p>However, about Cornell and Dartmouth, I'm serious about, so I'd like to know about my chances at Dartmouth. I already know of mine at Cornell.</p>

<p>If you think you have a good chance at Cornell, then perhaps you have a shot at Dartmouth. It caught my attention during the last few days of visiting colleges after being accepted, that there seems to be somewhat of a crossover with Cornell and Dartmouth's acceptances and Duke and Dartmouth as well. I talked to a lot of prospies and this was where they were at....It was significant enough that i noticed it, but maybe it was just the people I talked to. I did not apply to Cornell but got into Dartmouth and Duke. At the end, remember it is just crapshoot with the ivies...</p>

<p>In other words: Yes, you have a reasonable chance. But I agree; it's a crap shoot. Do your best; don't get your heart set on one school; and see what happens.</p>

<p>If I don't get into Dartmouth or Cornell, which ever one I decide for ED, and then I'll apply to NYU, Tufts, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, University of Virginia on top of those two and my safeties which include Lehigh, Villanova, Rutgers, Penn State, possibly UMich (or so my counselor tells me), Boston University (or so my couneslor tells me). So, I have my schools selected, and of course, I won't be applying to all of these, but that's not the issue. For me it is deciding between Cornell and Dartmouth...</p>

<p>Well, since you're in the Dartmouth thread, guess which one the people here will prefer . . .</p>

<p>No, I wasn't asking for people's opinion on that. I was simply telling everyone that I have my colleges picked out including safeties and top schools.</p>

<p>Cornell and Dartmouth are vastly different schools. Are they your top choices simply because they're Ivies you think you have a chance at? It'd be one thing if you were saying Yale and Dartmouth, or Penn and Cornell... So what I'm saying is, you have to ask yourself if they are your top school for the right reasons, or otherwise.</p>

<p>Well, Cornell is one of my top choices because it has what I'm looking for, and Dartmouth is one of my top choices, tied with Cornell, because it also has what I'm looking for. The differences between the two don't really matter to me. For example, size doesn't matter to me. Another example: even though, Dartmouth has a focus on undergraduate education where as Cornell looks to offer as many things as it can, Dartmouth still offers the major I'm looking for, so academics isn't really an issue. They both have unprecedented academic integrity, and international prestige doesn't matter much to me, even though Cornell has significantly more nobles than Dartmouth does. The differences don't matter to me, but the commonalities do, which is why I'm willing to go to either school.</p>

<p>Dartmouth becomes more and more appealing as I read up about it. I still have to visit, but it seems more interesting and appealing than Cornell. I like how the class sizes are small and the school is small; Cornell's are huge.</p>

<p>How is the party scene at Dartmouth? If you don't drink, then can you still fit in (I'm Muslim)? How competitive is it? Do you guys think there is any area where I'm lacking?</p>