Chances of getting into liberal arts college - Low SATs

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I was wondering if anyone has an idea of my chances of getting into a small liberal arts college on the West coast. Has anyone been accepted to a school if they have very good grades and a strong academic record but average SAT scores? I don't know if my SAT scores are good enough for these schools! I took the test in October and got a 1710. Is a 1710 average? My math was only a 500, so I am re-taking the test this weekend to try and bump it up (I am not a very strong standardized test taker, I never have been, I always freeze up). I am, however, not planning on being a STEM major, so I am not super worked up over my low math score. Anyway, I am applying at Whitman, Willamette, Lewis & Clarke, Linfield, University of Puget Sound, and Pacific Lutheran University. I have maintained a 3.81 unweighted GPA (I believe it would be somewhere in the 3.9 range weighted) throughout high school, and I have taken all honors and AP courses (the usual college track, four years of English, science, math, foreign language, etc). I am ranked 4th in my graduating class out of 187 students. I also do Running Start and this year I am taking a full load of courses at my local community college (I also did this last year, and took interesting classes such as Political Science, Philosophy, Global Issues, etc) in addition to an honors physics class and pre-calculus through my high school. I am homeschooled but take all accredited classes, my transcripts are the same as any public school student's, but I take all my classes through my high school's alternative learning program or through my local college. I have over 100+ hours of community service with local animal rescue (I have been volunteering there for years). I am a member of Phi Theta Kappa honor society, am on the Peninsula College President’s List (3.90+ GPA), am head of the Spanish club and Photography club, and I have also been a Washington State House of Representatives Page. I did a ton of acting (in professional/regional theater - I am an Equity Membership Candidate) during middle school and my freshman year of high school. I interned for the 5th Avenue Theater (a professional theater in Seattle, WA) over the summer of my junior year. On a different note, I placed 1st at the United States Pony Club NW Champs 2012 (I went with a team, we did Dressage). I was able to recieve a varsity letter for the whole Pony Club thing, so that's kind of of interesting too. </p>

<p>Hmmm... what do you think my chances are? I know I'm not a 100% perfect student but I do have a slightly different background from other students, as I have been homeschooled and started college work two years early. All the schools I am applying to tend to look at the student holistically instead of just test scores, but I wanted to see what other people thought of my chances.</p>

<p>I’ve lived a block away from UPS my whole life and both of my parents went to plu!</p>

<p>I’m not sure on the “match, reach, safety” terminology and don’t want to misuse it, but in order of best to worse chance…</p>


<p>you probably already knew that though:P goodluck!</p>

<p>oh, and ups has a truly beautiful campus:D</p>