Chances of getting into PhD biomedical sciences


<p>I am currently a Masters student at the George Washington University (GWU) majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology. I am looking to apply for a PhD program in top tier universities in the same field. I am an international student btw (did my bachelors in pharmacy in India)</p>

<p>Right now i am in my second semester and i have one and half more years to go until i get my masters degree. I just want to get some advice/feedback/help on how could i maximize my chances of getting into top biology phd programs since i have a lot of time in my hands. I have been working as a research assistant from my first semester and will be a co author of a paper to be published in a couple months, may be a first author paper (not sure though) and a thesis dissertation. I am planning to work at Memorial Sloan Kettering for my summer (voluntary) internship to get some more exposure and research experience. I am probably looking at a GPA of 3.6 when i graduate. </p>

<p>So what do you think my current profile looks like and what else can i do to get into a top tier PhD program.</p>
