Chances of getting into UCF

<p>Hi, wondering if anyone could tell me what my chances are of getting into UCF, I've heard numerous/different views on how easy/hard it is to get in.</p>

<p>Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior year my grades were not the best, managed a C average at best, this was due to a lot of personal issues and just tons of other things that I won't go into detail in.</p>

<p>However this year (my senior year) I've recovered, and I'm doing very well so far A average, 3.6 GPA.</p>

<p>My SAT scores were 520 reading, 490 writing, 490 math, the first time I took them. I'm taking them again in December.</p>

<p>I feel like I can write a very good essay, but I'm not sure how much it will be accounted for.</p>

<p>I've also done a ton of community service including handing out food and commodities to the homeless in the city of Philadelphia on numerous occasions.</p>
