Chances of Getting into UW-Madison

<p>Madison Resident. Parents work at UW-Madison. 4.0 unweighted. 34 ACT (36 Eng, 35 Math, 34 Read, 32 Sci), 2290 SAT (770 M, 760 W, 760 CR), 3 AP Tests all 5s, plan to take 5 AP Tests next year. Subject Tests: 800 Math 2, 780 Chem. What are my chances? Thanks in advance</p>

<p>Your stats/record, not your parents’ workplace, will easily get you in. I strongly recommend that you choose to live on campus as a freshman instead of commuting. I was able to do so and a college friend who walked to campus from home missed out on a lot evenings et al.</p>

<p>Yeah… you’re in. “If you want to be a Badger, just come along with me…” Haha</p>

<p>Both of my folks, three of my grandparents, my sister and I are UW grads. </p>

<p>I was quite familiar with UW before moving into Sellery A, but my experience still blew my mind.</p>

<p>You’ll have a blast.</p>

<p>Sweet! Thanks for the advice :)</p>