Hi, I’m applying to John’s Hopkins Early Decision, U Mich EA, UNC EA, EMORY RD, GEORGETOWN RD, UCB RD, UCLA RD, USC RD.
Intended major: biology (premed)
Im an asian female from NJ; medium sized public school (323 graduating class)
sat old: 2100
reading 630; writing 700; math 770
sat new: 1450
sat 2: chemistry (770) biology M (790) Math 2 (740)
gpa: 4.5303 its out of a 4.0 scale but it’s weighted so its possible to get over a 4. (for a better reference, the valedictorian usually has a 4.9 or so)
my school doesn’t rank but I know that I am in the top 5%
I took all honors freshman year, all honors and 1 ap sophomore year, all honors 3 aps junior year , and 5 aps 1 honor senior year.
(4 years of math, 4 years of english, 4 years of foreign language, 4 years of history, 5 years of science (6 years if you count a genetics)
APS: lang, lit, chem, ush, euro, calc bc, comp sci, italian
My recommendations are good and my transcript is good, I only have one b from sophomore year (the rest range from a- to a+)
However my essays are the problem. I’m not a really good writer so my common ap essay is fine, but my supp (only for JHU) is not so great(I found an grammar error- I wrote the same word twice in a row, after I submitted).
Extracurriculars: marching band (9-12); Lacrosse (9-12); UNICEF (9-12, president 11-12); Manager at cafe (11-12); Eco friendly club (11-12); National Honors Society (11-12); Italian National Honors Society (11-12, treasurer); 100+ volunteer hours at local hospital; peer tutor
Hello! I think your application looks quite good! I’m not sure about your old SAT score (2100 is pretty high, but for ultra-competitive schools it might be middling), but your SAT II scores look quite good for your interests. I’m never really sure about school rankings, so I can’t give you much advice on that front. However, I think what would be best for you in your essays (in order to make them better) is
- Try to write about something you’re passionate about- the more passionate you are, the more your voice shines through, and
- If you’re concerned about grammar and proofreading, try asking one of your English teachers (if you have a good relationship with them) to give your essay a read maybe before or after school. I asked my English teacher, and let me tell you she was a total life saver.
I hope this helps!
UC GPA? https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/
Post Weighted capped and Fully weighted.
You have many OOS schools on your list. Are these affordable?
@Gumbymom All the schools are out of state, but most of them are state schools so the $$ isn’t that bad. (my safetys are all instate: Rutgers, Seton Hall)
here are my UC GPAs:
Unweighted GPA: 3.96
Weighted GPA: 4.56
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.28
UC’s offer no FA so it will cost you $55K+/year to attend so is this acceptable?
You have a good chance at USC/UCLA and UCB. All are selective schools so there are no guarantees.
Good Luck
Hey, thank you so much for chance-ing me!
Johns Hopkins is crazy hard to get into, especially pre-med. Manager at a Cafe? That’s a pretty interesting EC, and it makes you look pretty cool TBH.
I would love to see what you got on AP-Bio, esp. because you’re applying pre-med.
I’d say you’re a pretty solid applicant for UCLA and Emory. A strong candidate for Georgetown. USC’s acceptance pool is pretty weird for some reason, so I can’t say for sure about that. Johns-Hopkins is a reach for anyone, but cross your fingers! 
Thank you for chancing me!
Your test scores are around average for JHU (your SATII scores are spectacular though), but your GPA is definitely up there. Also, great extracurriculars that center around your major. Only thing is JHU is highly selective and it’s really all up for bat. And for the essay error, the admissions officers read tons of essays a day, it really should not make that big of a difference unless it comes down to you and another applicant.
For UNC, Emory, USC, UCB I’d say they’d be target schools but you probably have a really good chance of getting in.
Strong candidate for Georgetown, Umich and UCLA definitely
Anyways, good luck!!
Hopkins ED for pre-med is a mid-low reach for you I’d say (as is for most people). Your test scores are not bad but not at a point where they help you much. Your ECs, like your test scores, are good but not stand-out. Obviously, there’s no way for me to judge how good your essays are, but if you say they are not that great then perhaps it would be wise to not get too high hopes about JH.
UofM you have a strong chance especially EA (I’m from Michigan)
Not as familiar with the other ones but UCLA and UofM are around the same selectivity so I’d say you have decent shots at most of the others. Good luck!
U Mich- Stats look like a good fit and applying EA definitely helps
UCB,UCLA- Stats also look like a good fit, overall application is strong so hopefully essays wouldn’t hurt you, hopeful acceptance but out of state is harder to get in.
USC-Once again should be a good fit but beware of USC’s tuition price
You have a pretty solid GPA and test scores and your extra curricular are pretty good but the essays may be a problem as they are often used to distinguish candidates from one another…best to take your time with essays to make sure they’re just right instead of rushing to get them in for ED/EA…I think your best chances are Johns Hopkins, UCLA and UMich
Hey! It looks like we’re applying to a lot of the same schools like Emory, JHU, UCLA & Cal. I’m also an applicant, so just be aware that my opinion is not credible. However, I do think Emory is your match school. I’m not exactly sure if JHU is a reach…I think it really comes down to the essay. I hope this was helpful!
Chance me back? 
@gingerspark99 wait what do you mean that JHU isn’t a reach? Like is it higher than a reach? Thanks for your insight. I’ll chance you back!
I’m fairly certain you’ll get into most of your schools. JHU and USC may be a toss up, you’re definitely going to have a very good shot at UMich, UCLA and UNC.
Chance me Back? : http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/20030440#Comment_20030440
@paxer101 I don’t think it’s a high reach. I think your stats are borderline, so the essays will be the determining factor. Again, it’s my opinion, so don’t think too much of it. 
@gumbymom asked:
The UC’s are $55K per year and won’t provide you with a dime. It doesn’t sound like you have really researched costs.
Money is probably the first thing I researched. JHU is about $60k a year and I am still applying ED (and I know I will not get FA). I have already talked to my family, who are okay with this. Money is not going to be a factor that stops me from applying to/ attending schools. Thanks for your concerns though :).
JHU ED- Low reach depending on essays. SAT is decent
UMIch EA- Match. You could probably get accepted
Georgetown- Reach
UCB- reach
UCLA- reach
UNC- Match.
USC- low reach
Emory- high match
You have a solid chance at UNC, UMich, and Emory although your background may hurt you.
Chance back pls: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1936788-predict-my-results-stanford-mit-princeton-cmu-and-others.html#latest
Great looking application and some awesome schools!
High reach: John’s Hopkins Early Decision
Reach: U Mich EA
Low Reach: UNC EA
Low Reach: EMORY RD
High Reach: UCB RD
High Reach: UCLA RD
Low Reach: USC RD
I would definitely try to find at least 2-3 safety schools. Good luck!
Chance me: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1936862-chance-me-ill-chance-back.html#latest