Chances of transfering to Georgetown University?

Hello cc users, I am new to CC, and I wanted to know what my chances are of transferring into GU.

My first year was terrible due to me getting really sick two weeks before finals during my second semester at community college, but the first semester I got a 3.39. Then my second semester was when it turned to shit, and I got a 1.0 (I know, don’t shit on me for it). I failed 3 classes, but did academic renewal and got A’s. My second year was much better. I got a 4.0 both semesters, and second semester I got into the honors program. I plan on taking a third year at cc and then transferring in as a juniors to GU.

Will they over look my one bad semester or will I get screwed over due to failing 3 classes. Thanks for the input! :slight_smile:

Its very tough. They take 12-15% from what I’ve seen. I am sure you can explain your GPA, but you might as well take a shot.