Chances please

<p>OOS from New Jersey
unweighted GPA---- 3.89 (out of 4.0)
SAT: 1250/1600----1930/2400
(Took october sat's and think math might have gone up)</p>

<p>taking 3 APs this year and my class rank is 62 out of 486</p>

<p>enough clubs, volunteer, and strong personal essays and recommendations</p>

<p>Do I have a shot for Fall 2012?</p>

<p>Your grades will get you in, but it won’t be on early action. Write good essays. Good luck</p>

<p>new SAT scores: 720 math, 650 critical reading, 640 writing

<p>will this score help? I’m planning on majoring in International Business</p>

<p>you should easily be accepted, good luck</p>