Chances, please?

<p>I'm currently a junior in high school.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9 (unweighted)
Class Rank: Not sure, but at least top 15%
Classes: School offers no APs, but most of mine are honors.
Extracurriculars: Healthy Youth Coalition, Prom Committee (not very impressive)
Volunteering: None, but expecting to spend the summer doing volunteer work.
Work Experience: Had a job last summer, expecting to start again, continuing until college.
Test Scores: Taking the ACT in April (but, scored 180 on PSAT)</p>

<p>I haven't specified any colleges because I am at a loss for ideas. I have very low self-esteem and any colleges I have looked at, I simply feel that I am not good enough for them. So based on these stats, can anyone suggest what kinds of colleges I should be looking into? (I live in Wisconsin, I would like to stay relatively close to home)</p>

<p>Thanks to anyone who replies.</p>