**CHANCES** <<<please!!!>>>

Band B/A
Acc English B/B
Algebra II B/B
French II B/B
H Chemistry B/B
Ap World B/A</p>

<p>3.33/ 3.67 (W)</p>

AP English B/B
Pre Calc. B/C
Ap Biology B/A
Ap Physics B/B
Ap Environ. B/A
Ap Us B/B
3.83/ 4.0 W</p>

<p>*did that C kill me? </p>

<p>SAT: 2000
SAT 2 - US 640
SAT 2 - MATH 2 650 </p>

<p>Decent E/C'S
- Vp of couple clubs, Competion awards....</p>

<p>Chances at</p>

Calpoly SLO
Georgia Tech</p>


<p>I'd say that the upper-middle to middle tier of the UCs is reach status- eg., SD is a reach reach, Davis and Irvine are slight reaches to high matches, SB is a match, and Riverside is a safe match to safety.</p>

<p>UC Berk/ UCLA - reach
UCSD - slight reach
UCI, UCDavis - match I daresay</p>

<p>did that "C" kill me?</p>

<p>how is this a 3.83 uw...when i did it out i got a 3.0833333....is that what u meant?</p>

AP English B/B
Pre Calc. B/C
Ap Biology B/A
Ap Physics B/B
Ap Environ. B/A
Ap Us B/B
3.83/ 4.0 W</p>

<p>o if its weighted then nvm</p>

<p>UCI, UCDavis - match</p>

<p>I have no idea how you are calculating your GPA's, but I recalculated them for you and I got 3.458 UC GPA (capped @ 8 honor semesters). Your unweighted GPA would be 3.125.</p>

<p>That being said:
UCSD: Reach
UCSB/UCD/UCI: (Slight) Match
UCR/UCSC: Safe Match
Calpoly SLO: (Slight) Match
Georgia Tech: Reach</p>


<p>UCSD: Slight Reach
UCSC/UCR: Safe Match</p>

<p>i got a 3.6575 gpa when i calculated it</p>