Chances Please

<p>White </p>

<p>34 regular ACT
35 Superscore </p>

<p>SAT 2100 :( </p>

<p>Bio SAT 2- 800
Chem SAT 2- 700
Math 1 SAT 2- 750
Calc AB
US gov
2 College level classes </p>

<p>Average- 99.70
All at least honors classes
Science Research Awards up the wazoo- seriously like a page and half on my resume
did marching band and concert band
Varsity track
JV Lax
LIke 6 other clubs
2 leaderhsip positions in clubs</p>

<p>i think if you write really good essays you can get in</p>

<p>oh and top 10% in a school that doesnt rank</p>

<p>and from Long Island</p>

<p>I'd advise you to send your ACT, but I'm sure you already planned on that. Not to say a 2100 is bad or anything-that's about average for Cornell, but as a white New Yorker, you'll be held up to strict standards. (This is so weird- if you substitute AP stats for AP Euro, we'll have taken the exact same APs by the end of high school.)
What college within Cornell are you applying to? That's also relevant. (I'm guessing HumEc, CALS, or A&S, based on the awesome bio scores, but you never know...)</p>