Chances, Please

<p>Your comments are appreciated, so long as they're thoughtful. I know that these threads are numerous and exhaustive, so your critique is greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>White/Jewish (not sure whether Stanford makes the distinction) male
Terrible, failed, and extremely congested public high school in SW Washington, though I don't really attend the school but rather attend the local community college through the Running Start program.</p>

<p>SAT: 2130; W:730, M:600, CR: 800 (single sitting, and taken as a junior).
SAT Subject Tests: U.S. Hist: 770 Literature: haven't taken yet, though I will.
GPA: 3.76uw, though it should be approx. 3.8 when I apply. My schools doesn't calculate weighted GPAs which is fine because, as I've heard, most schools disregard them.
At the community college in which I'm enrolled, I have a 4.0 with 67 credits (quarter system).
I've shown a tremendous upward trend in my grades, from 3.4 cum. freshman and sophomore years to a solid 4.0 at Clark College.</p>

<p>My school is disastrous. It has a graduation rate of approx. 60% and less than 20% of graduating seniors actually pursue higher education, at least immediately after high school. The district is woefully underfunded, and sports are deified to the extent that academic distinctions awarded to students basically go unrecognized.</p>

<p>Anyway, because of all the aforementioned problems, the school offers a very limited number of AP and honors classes, many of which are exclusively for seniors. Owing to this, I participate in the state's Running Start program (dual-enrollment) and will receive my AA by graduation. So basically, I have taken more than a full load of college classes and currently have a 4.0, which probably won't change within the next few months.
Oh, and I just became a National Merit Commended Scholar.</p>

-23+ regional, national, and international distinctions for music (I'm a pretty accomplished saxophonist, and have been playing with the high school's jazz band since 6th grade).
-Was a member of the Pacific Crest Jazz Orchestra.
-Was a member of the Washington All-State Jazz Band last year.
-Founded and served as president of the BGHS Junior State of America chapter (JSA).
-Founded and served as president of Students for Political Activism Now at my CC.
-Was Pacific Northwest Regional Director of Expansion for JSA.
-Was editor of the opinion section of my high school newspaper.
-Attended both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions recently as a student correspondent for the local newspaper and for JSA.
-Am currently a Sunday-school teacher at my local synagogue.
-Studied government at Georgetown University during the summer of 2007.
-Studied music at the Berklee conservatory, Northern Illinois University, and Western Oregon University during the summer of 2006.
-Am currently a member of the debate team at Clark College, which, despite lacking national recognition, is pretty well regarded in forensic circles in the PNW. In the several months I've debated with Clark, I've won 15+ awards and have ascended through several divisions.
-Many more things that I cannot remember right now.</p>

<p>My recommendation should be great; they're being written by a former Columbia University admissions officer (and MFA student) who was my English teacher, and one of my history teachers who's published several articles in history periodicals and has authored textbooks.</p>

<p>I don't know whether this matters, but I also visited Stanford this summer and the visitation was documented, so the administration knows that I've expressed interest beyond visiting the website and submitting my application. </p>

<p>Thanks for taking the time to look and, hopefully, to comment.
frydfrog is online now</p>

<p>Also, I was recently accepted to the MENC All-Northwest Jazz Band.</p>



<p>I say you have average chances.</p>

<p>the thing that sticks out to me is the international distinctionS, I mean really thats sick(in a good way) to have been INTERNALTIONALLY recognized!!</p>

<p>good luck braa</p>

<p>You’re music passion is excellent but you’re gonna need higher test scores to offset your “low” gpa or I don’t see an acceptance happening. The upward trend does help though.</p>