Chances please?

<p>I'm an international student, who has applied for permanent residency earlier in the year (the application of which is still pending) and who has been living in Virginia for 3 years. I am applying for financial aid.</p>

<p>GPA: Weighted-4.29; Unweighted-somewhere between 3.9 and 4.0
Rank: 1/249 at a pretty competitive high school. I also attend a Governor's School specialized in math and science in the morning in addition to my regular school; so my classes are half-half at the two schools.
SAT I: 650 CR (this would make the highest combined; the highest at one setting would be 640); 800 Math; 760 Writing
SAT II: Chinese with Listening 800; Math IIC 790; Chemistry 760; US History 720 (already retaken; new score unknown)
I lived in China and Canada and skipped 4 grades when I was in China (which made me the youngest in my provinces history to attend middle school, at age 8). I already started Calculus at the age of 10. However, when I went to Canada I was held back 2 grades due to overly young age (they were afraid my classmates would bully me since I was a foreigner and so much younger). I did keep studying Chinese textbooks, and eventually got into interesting challenging math classes here in the U.S. I speak three Chinese dialects (including Mandarin), French, and English (obviously) fluently, and some Japanese and German. I guess those could be my highlights...</p>

<p>EC's: National Merit Commended Student (should I even bother to put this on my app? so many people appear to be semifinalists...); AP Scholar with Distinction; awards in national writing contests, Honorable Mention in the USA Mathematical Talent Search; Awards at up to State Science Fair; various awards from Canadian national math contests. There are more, but these are the important ones I guess.</p>

<p>Extra-curriculars: Pres. of Writer's Club, Founder and Pres. of Chinese Connections Club, Captain of Math Academic Bowl, Co-Captain of NHS, Co-Captain of Debate. These are just senior year clubs in which I held leadership positions; leaderships from past years weren't on here. I used to volunteer at the adult day services at VT starting summer after 10th grade, but then at the start of 11th grade felt that the position was too boring and I didn't feel like I was helping others very much, so I changed to volunteering at the local hospital, where I still volunteer now. Due to my citizenship status I cannot work paid jobs, but I did have an internship in a law office in junior year and an internship in the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute now (both unpaid), and I tutored a college student for free for her GRE Math Exam.</p>

<p>Essay-I don't know what to say...but I guess for the safe, you can assume mediocre, even though I personally hope it was better than that =P</p>

<p>I know my SATs probably weren't good enough and my citizenship status could probably affect my chances a lot...what do you all think about it? Thank you all so, so much!</p>

<p>When I said “EC’s” I really meant “Awards”, sorry for the typo. I am so nervous now, because I have no idea how much being an international student requesting financial aid would affect me in the admissions process. Thanks for all your help!</p>

<p>Bump… Anyone?</p>

<p>okay whatever. you’re in. don’t even worry about it.</p>

<p>i think you have wonderful stats. Especially as an international student who not only has a decent gpa but also good test scores, which is less common for the us testing system is geared more towards students who grew up with english, so this is a plus :slight_smile: I think you have a greater that 85% chance, and hope to see you at duke in the fall! best of luck!</p>

<p>I do not think you have problem, you will be accepted.</p>

<p>WHAAH thanks all so much! You made me feel so much better…I felt like I couldn’t get into any good schools because of my citizenship status and stuff, and now I feel so much better! Thank you!</p>