Chances Please!

<p>I have a 3.85 weighted gpa
SAT Scores: 690 Math, 620 Critical Reading, 580 Writing
I will take the SATs again in October
750 on bio SAT 2, plan to be a bio major
My school does not rank.</p>

<p>Varsity field hockey and softball
Involved in student government.
I am an out of stater.</p>

<p>Will be taking two AP classes my senior year as well as other hard courses.</p>

<p>If you look at the Virginia Tech admission’s website, you will find that they employ a “middle-50% range” as a means to display their numbers, as sometimes an average isn’t very telling.</p>

<p>That said, the middle 50% range for the class of 2012 was 3.62-4.08. Emphasis here goes on the 3.62, basically that means that 25% got below this number. For the class of 2013 acceptances (yet to be posted online) this number has increased to 3.71-4.15. Essentially indicating a GPA increase overall of .1. Therefore, next year you could be just on the start of the lower 25% range with a 3.85 weighted. Your extracurriculars seem average.</p>

<p>My advice then is: apply university studies (ie undecided) and DO NOT apply early, I give you an 85% chance of getting in.</p>

<p>This year’s average was a 3.94 up from a 3.86 I believe. Trends would indicate that an average of 4.0 weighted isn’t out of the realm of possibility next year. I cannot in good faith say “you’re in for sure,” at least in my opinion, if one of the key indicators (SAT/GPA) are below the average.</p>

<p>thanks so much!</p>

<p>If your child is somewhat borderline for admission, (3.91 GPA, 1200/1820 SAT, good ECs) does it make more sense to apply University Studies rather than a College of Architecture Public Policy major? How much time typically elapses before a student can/must declare a major once admitted?</p>

<p>Transferring from University Studies to the CAUS is improbable, so I wouldn’t send a kid to VT that didn’t have a very good backup major that they were very happy with.</p>

<p>Oakton parent. I don’t understand this 1200/1820…what does that mean…i thought it was either 2400 or 1600.</p>

<p>Nevermind, someone explained it to me on another thread haha.</p>