chances pleaseee :)

<p>rank: 27 of 550 (top 5%)
gpa: 3.85 hpa: 4.55
act composite: 33 (34E 35M 36R 26S)
race: hispanic (born in argentina)</p>

<p>AP classes...
-AP Spanish Language-5
-AP Calculus AB-5
-AP English Language and Comp-3
-AP Psychology-5
-AP Biology-3
senior year...
-AP Microeconomics
-AP US Government
-AP Statistics
-AP Calculus BC
-AP English Literature and Comp</p>

---Club swimming since 8th grade.. varsity swimming since freshman year
i was MVP freshman and sophomore year (at another school) junior and senior year i was a member of the FHSAA state championship team (first time a sports team has ever repeat a state title, only girls titles ever in the school est 1965)
i am a county, district, regional and state finalist in the 200 IM and 100 Breaststroke
I don't have many other commitments because swimming is 19-22 hours a week, 11 months out of the year (huuugeee time commitment)
for club swimming i was given most improved as a freshman, most spirited as a sohpomore
---I'm also in the student leadership team (aka, student government) at school, but this is my first year. I helped plan the homecoming dance, am planning fundraisers and such, was voted leader of the month for november</p>

<p>Community Service
---only 119 hours (but remember i swim full time)
volunteering with my swim team, local retirement home, culinary club at school, volunteer babysitting</p>

<p>Honors, Awards etc
1. College Board's National Hispanic Recognition Program 2008-09 Scholar
2. 2008 AP Scholar with Honor
3. President's Award for Academic Achievement (9-12)
4. National Honor Society Member (11, 12)
5. Honor Roll (9-12)
6. Principal's Award for Academic Achievement (West Boca High School) (9-10)
7. Varsity letter (9-12)</p>

<p>also in add'l info:
i had to switch schools my junior year. at my old school there was a much lower availability of AP classes, and i was ranked 12th. when i switched to my new school, i was 48th, and was able, in 3 semesters, to bring my rank up to 27th. i made the jump from one AP class to four my junior year, and i passed all of them with 5's in calculus and psychology. i also got straight a's all of junior year, and so far in senior year</p>

<p>please let me know my chances :)</p>

<p>ED or RD and Pratt or Trinity</p>

<p>rd trinity</p>

<p>dude i definitely want to meet people like you at duke. just saying :)</p>

<p>soo good or bad?</p>


<p>looks pretty good to me :)</p>