Chances? Purdue, OSU, PSU, Miami

<p>Middle Class Male (Junior)
Father attended Purdue (ME), Mother Comm College in Florida
Ohio Resident</p>

<p>Major: Mechanical Eng., Aerospace Eng
gpa 3.8 (could be higher if i get all a's for second sem)
gpa weighted 3.85 ( " )
act 23
sat 1700 ish
Rank 11/88 or so + or - a spot, definately top 15%
took hardest classes offered at my school
2 ap courses (only 2 offered) APUSH, Govt
Honors track for english
Advanced Science track (no such thing as honors at my school for sciences)
includes chem, physic, biology, plan on college physics/chem for senior year
Advanced Math track (no such thing as honors at my school for math)
includes geometry, alg II, pre-cal, calc
Advanced track just means I skipped the indroductory course such as algebra, or IPS
3 years of spanish (my school only offers spanish, only 3 years 1,2, and 3)
I plan on attending a local university for senior year and taking some courses (hopefully college physics, or chemistry and psychology or sociology course)
Member of NHS, JETS, Academic team, Model UN, Muse Machine
Various Comm servic hours probably by the time I apply 60-100
Principal's list all through High School
Varsity golf 4 years (# 1 on the team)
Varsity baseball 2 years
Have more EC's not worth mentioning but will on apps</p>

<p>Please chance for Purdue (first choice), OSU, Miami, UMich (long shot), Illinois (long shot), PSU, Cincinatti, Ohio University</p>

<p>Please add any other good university Ill have a good shot
Comment appreciated</p>

<p>Your in. Obviously. Way to waste your time typing this up.</p>

<p>I'd say you'd have a pretty good chance. Good luck!</p>