Chances/Scholarship possibilities

<p>White female
public hs in florida
send about 4 or 5 kids to top schools every year
Major: I want to major in something communications related i think. or economics. i really don't know though.</p>

<p>GPA UW 3.9
GPA weighted 5.5
Rank 3/~600</p>

<p>SAT 660 M 710 CR 770 W
SAT II US History 750 Bio E-730</p>

<p>AP I've taken 9 so far; passed 6 of them
Current Senior Schedule
AP Calc AB
AP Psych
AP Gov
AP Comp Gov
AP English
AP Spanish
Philosophy Honors</p>

<p>I'll have taken a total of 15 AP's after senior year.</p>

Class Council (9, 10 President, 11 President, 12 President)
- Most time consuming activity. Have raised over 6000 dollars for my class single handedly
Student Advisory Council (10-12 Student Representative)
Key Club 300+ Service Hours (10, 11 Secretary, 12, Secretary)
Mu Alpha Theta (9, 10 Treasurer, 11, 12 Treasurer)
Social Studies Honor Society (11 Treasurer, 12 President)
Spanish Honor Society (10-12)
Varsity Tennis Team (10-12)
Debate Team (9-11) Had to stop because of schedule conflicts</p>

<p>Community Service
300+ Hours through Key Club
Youth Mentoring Program 120+ Hours
Tutoring for Math, Social Studies and Spanish Honor Society-100+ hours</p>

<p>Work Experience
Supermarket (9th Grade)
Summer Camp Counselor (11,12)</p>

I've been going to a sports camp for 7 years at which I'm now a counselor. </p>

I played travel soccer my whole life and middle school soccer up until high school when I get a stomach disease and couldn't do anything that had a serious amount of running. (which is why I did tennis)</p>

<p>SOOO not being cocky but i know i have extremely good chances at wisco, but what are my chances of earning big scholarships?</p>

<p>You’ll get in, but plan on paying full freight, approx $35K a year. My D is a freshman, has virtually the same stats, we’re out-of-state, and we got nothing. Tried every which way too.</p>

<p>She is, however, having a wonderful time and, from some of the horror stories we’re hearing from some HS classmates at other colleges, is in the perfect spot in Madison.</p>

<p>Convince your folks that they’ll pay $10-15K more a year if you were to get into an LAS school in the Northeast. BUT…they’ll probably tell YOU that they’ll pay $15-$20K LESS in Gainesville!</p>

<p>Don’t count on any merit money as noted above.</p>