Chances UVA?

<p>I'm currently (about to be) a high school senior, I am applying to UVA but I am quite concerned about my actual chances of getting in. I plan on apply to the Commerce school while at Virginia. Hoping somebody could give me a rough estimate about my chances of being accepted. Here's my stats:
3.76/4.0 GPA, 31 ACT, SAT: 720math, 660 reading, 590 writing (1380/1970), top 15% (top 50 ranked HS in Texas), Not VA resident, white male, had 160 hour paid internship with an oil production co this summer (applied, interviewed etc..), taken several business courses at school, 50 total service hours, part of/leader at a freshmen drug mentoring program at school, had a job for almost an entire year, and I'm an Eagle Scout.
Thx for all the help I really appreciate any advice/answers I get.
Also I took the SAT 2 but didn't to great low 600's for both, would it hurt more if I just didn't send them b/c they aren't required but recommended?</p>

<p>hm are you in or out of state? your gpa is okay - i think. your ACT is better than your SAT. & you should consider taking both again as well as the SAT IIs. Iā€™d say it is a low reach - maybe
chance me?
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