<p>I am currently a Junior at a competitive Catholic high school in Pennsylvania. </p>
<p>Grades -
SAT's- 2220 780(M) 740(R) 700(W)
GPA- 3.89 unweighted Weighted - 4.36-4.5 (in that range, not official)
Rank 55 out of 381
SATII - Bio-770 Math II-750 Us History- 780 </p>
<p>Have taken 3 AP's and plan to take 4 next year
HAvent taken anything but Honors and AP courses
AP Bio
AP Chem
AP Physics (self-study)
AP Comparative Government (self study)
AP Literature
AP Calc
AP Stat</p>
<p>school doesnt give enough credit towards rank for taking ap or all honors courses so there is kids with 1 or 2 honors and the rest second track ahead of me </p>
<p>Extra Curricular
4 years of Mock Trial
4 years of Community Service/ Class President
2 years of Mathletes
4 years of Varsity Ice Hockey
3 years MVP
4 years of Regional Select Baseball
3 years on Regional Select Ice Hockey
1 year of National Select Ice hockey
2 years of Spanish Club
3 years of Varsity Track
Winner of 400, 200, and 800 for 3 years
Recipient of Religous Valor Award
2 years of Student Council
Student Body Representative/President
4 years of Working as Manager around 25-40 hours a week</p>
<p>Service Work
200+ hours a year volunteering at local Nursing Home
4 years of volunteering at Special Olympics
3 years of volunteering at Local Government
Work at Inner-City Soup Kitchens during Christmas Break every year</p>
<p>I want to go
UVA (OOS #1 choice)
PSU (instate, take around 75 from my school each year)
Lehigh (take at least 10-20 from my school each year)
Wake Forest
William and Mary
Loyola (maryland)</p>