Chances woot

<p>Ok here is the stats
CR - 710 (retook in november. Expecting higher)
Math - 780 (retook in november. Maybe an 800)
Writing - 690 (whole reason i retook. I am most likely going to go up.)
sat math IIc - 750 (bad, yes i know)
chemistry - 770
2180 in other words
Academic stuff
6 APS 10 honors (maximum school offers)
Rank - 2/359
GPA - UW - 4.0 W - i dont know like 4.5?
I took the most "rigorous" class load I could but thats not saying too much for me. I am from WV.
Hmm extracurriculars
-ACE Team (biggest thing. I have particpated since 9-12 and gotten many awards for this only on the regional level though)
-Math field day - yes awards
-Big Brothers Big sisters (tutor program. I do 2 tutor programs every week)
-NHS (not much said here)
-HNHS (i am treasurer for this and have done stuff :0)
-24/1100 club (not even worth mentioning now that i think about it..)
-Varsity Tennis (10,11,12, i particpated in doubles 11th and do semi ok. No chance of recruited athelete)
-50 hours at one hospital
-50 hours at another hospital
-72 hours at a theatre
-Big brothers big sister (probably about 30 last year and some more this year)
I do travel a lot over the summers. I have been to India many times. I have not done anything too significant there.
I did the most EC's probably in my school.. which isn't saying much >.>
ANyhow there probably is more stuff but this is it for now</p>

<p>Oh and this is for BME otherwise its engineering or bio</p>

<p>Bump bump.</p>