
<p>OOS female from competitive suburban public.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.85 weighted; 3.6 unweighted academic
ACT: 31
School doesn't rank</p>

<p>4 APs; Calculus I at CC last summer (got an A, which isn't included in GPA); the rest are a mix of honors, accelerated and college prep courses.</p>

<p>ECs are average at best (2 sports each year, a couple clubs, NHS, about 20 volunteer hours per year)</p>

<p>Don’t usually chance folks because it’s really arbitrary depending on the year, but admits have been trending towards higher stats no doubt.</p>

<p>You definitely have a shot, but no guarantee. Apply with eyes open, be prepared for a possible deferral, and if UW-Madison is your first choice, have a few backups for sure.</p>

<p>Write good essays and your chances should be pretty good.</p>

<p>The middle 50% of recently admitted students had ACT scores in the range from 27-31. So with an ACT score of 31, 25% of last year’s applicants scored higher than you. </p>

<p>Concentrate on the essays.</p>

<p>Academic rigor (4 APs) is also important to UW.</p>

<p>Also get good grades this semester.</p>