
<p>I am a high school senior and have a gpa around 4.4 (weighted) on a 4.0 scale. I am in top 20% of my class. My sat score was 1750. I participate in 4 clubs and have joined the school track team. I am also volunteering at a hospital and have leadership positions in two clubs. Also, I am from pennsylvania, so not a lot of people from my school are applying to Wisconsin. I am applying for engineering major. University of Wisconsin Madison is my dream school, but I also have other backup schools. So, can I get into University of Wisconsin Madison?</p>

<p>Do some prep then retake your SAT’s, if you are having a hard time scoring over 1900 then take the ACT. UW uses unweighted GPA.</p>

<p>Everything is good, u should try to raise ur test score a bit. But ur gap is very good</p>

<p>Academics are much more important than being in numerous clubs. Hope your unweighted gpa is good- only that counts. Do study for and retake the SAT, or take the ACT.</p>

<p>Take the ACT, very different test and it has a science section which might help you too. Slightly different tips on when to guess so read up on the test and take the free practice one they give you.</p>