
<p>3.3 unweighted gpa 4.4 weighted
1630 sat scores
490-critical reading 540-math 600-writing
Taking sats again in November</p>

<p>Scholar athlete award 2 years
3 years lacrosse
4 years of guitar</p>

<p>According to statistics (attached below)from the freshman class of 2015, your SATs are a bit low. What school are you applying to?
[What</a> We Look For | Applying as a Freshman](<a href=“]What”></p>

<p>Virginia tech university studies</p>

<p>VT has a very numbers driven admission process. Work hard to bring up the SAT’s and grades this semester. Definitely try, but it may be a reach school for you. I think it is always a good idea to have several options of schools to apply too. Even if you are within a range of statistics, you may still not get it. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>How can you have a 3.3 UW and a 4.4 Weighted GPA. 2 points for AP?</p>

<p>Yeah 2 points for AP and GT and 1 point for honors</p>