
<p>Info about me:
My school is very very competitive.
4.01 weighted 25% top
3.45 unweighted 36% top
28 ACT
Major: Engineer
Played Football and other clubs

<p>My gpa went down from junior year from 3.9 something unweighted and 4.38 weighted was my highest at end of sophmore cuz my grandma died. Currently a senior. I have 5 C's in my transcript took a lot of AP/honors classes. </p>

<p>What other colleges should i apply to</p>

<p>Low unweighted gpa- that’s the gpa UW looks at. Check on your state U’s- discuss with your guidance counselor for other choices. If both semesters of junior year were poor it looks bad, the downward trend would be a red flag to admissions, regardless of the reason. You need to prove you can do the work this semester. It would help if you had 4s or 5s on your AP exams despite low grades. Proposed major doesn’t matter. No matter how competitive the HS there are students who did the work to get better grades- nearly 1/3 of them- so this doesn’t work in your favor. In fact it looks like 1/3 of the students make the honor roll- grade inflation???</p>

<p>what should i do then should i still apply and to what other colleges. also, im getting my grades up during senior year</p>

<p>also what are my safety schools?</p>

<p>Iowa, Purdue, Iowa State. I think you are in that 50-50 range if your Fall grades are 3.5+ unweighted. Probably postpone for Fall grades, etc. But worth a good effort to get in.</p>

<p>In your own state try UI-Chicago and SIU-Edwardsville as possible safeties. You might also consider UW-Platteville if you are settled on engineering, but I would suggest a bigger school with more options if you aren’t so sure. If you want something a little further afield try the U of North Dakota.</p>

<p>I’d add U of Nebraska-Lincoln to barrons’s list of suggested matches. You might also consider South Dakota School of Mining and Technology and Missouri University of Science and Technology if you want a school more focused on tech, although the latter is definitely “reachy” for your stats.</p>

<p>I’ll warn you, however, that if your C’s are in math and science or your ACT scores comparatively low in the same subjects many schools will be skeptical of your ability to do an engineering curriculum.</p>

<p>^ can they recommend me a different major?</p>

<p>bump can anyone look at my transcript and tell me</p>