<p>white female, out of state applicant from NJ</p>
<p>GPA: 4.58 (weighted)
Rank: 18/483
SAT: 690 math, 670 verbal, 660 writing
SAT II: 650 Literature 660 US History</p>
<p>really good extracurriculars:
President this year of Junior State of America, Vice last year. plus regional and state positions as well (it's the largest student run organization in the country).</p>
<p>On the Forensics Speech and Debate team, many awards</p>
<p>National Honor Society, French National Honor Society and Choir as well.</p>
<p>Sports (softball, swimming). </p>
<p>Out of school I coach for my town's recreational system, and do other various jobs and volunteer positions there. </p>
<p>what are my chances of being admitted? What about honors? Scholarships? I applied priority.</p>