
Magnet Program
Asian (East Indian)
GPA is rather low, 3.3 W 3.1 UW, this puts me at roughly the top third of my class</p>

<p>but my SAT is above average at 1280/1970 (640M 640R 690W)
AP Scores (5 tests so far, only really successful on 3 that I will send)
European History-3
U.S. History-4
Other tests taken but won't report are Calculus AB (sick during exam, and other issues) and Spanish (not sure why i did poor on this but whatever)</p>

<p>Coursework is extremely rigorous with nothing but honors/ap classes, when I graduate I will have taken 9 AP courses, would be most rigorous possible if I opted to take AP English</p>

<p>Senior grades first quarter are
AP Comp Sci A
AP Gov A-
AP Statistics B-
Honors English B
AP Environmental Sci A-
Magnet Anatomy A
Foods (lol) A</p>

<p>which is a pretty strong upward curve from what my last 3 years show
Awards- AP Scholar and some other minor stuff</p>

<p>I heard tech is a numbers school so I'll list just a few important ECs</p>

<p>Volunteering at Aquarium 200+ hours
Mentorship with a psychiatrist
Guitar, played in bands + shows</p>

<p>basically my story, I enjoy being intellectually stimluated, I am extremely lazy when it comes to studying and preparing, I hardly prepped for my SATs and still managed to do somewhat well so that just sort of shows what I am capable of, I have tried to fix my ways, first in my junior which sort of fell, and now my senior year I have improved</p>

<p>oh and as far as major is concerned, I'm really undecided and am jumping around, I would really like to know which majors are most competitive and least competitive and don't matter for admissions</p>

<p>I don’t see why they woudnt accept you. You have a pretty good shot.
You can check your chances on this website [See</a> your chances of getting accepted | Parchment - College admissions predictions.](<a href=“]See”>See your chances of getting accepted | Parchment - College admissions predictions.)</p>

<p>It would be better to check this link of the stats of the class of 2015 on the VT site.</p>

<p>[What</a> We Look For | Applying as a Freshman](<a href=“]What”>
Average GPA: 4.00
Mid-50% GPA: 3.81–4.24</p>

<p>Average SAT: 1250
Mid-50% SAT*: 1160–1340</p>

<p>Stats for School of Engineering and Architecture would be on the upper end of these numbers.</p>

<p>tell me if you make it. I am junior hoping to get into Tech with a subpar gpa, as shown in <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;. In any case, good luck. I’m sure that the volunteering, mentorship, and ap classes will help you get in easy.</p>

<p>I just applied as an interior design major
Do I have any chance of getting in?
ACT- 26

<p>AP Environmental Science
AP Studio Art
AP Art History</p>

<p>Link posted on another thread for recent statisitcs for CAUS.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;