
<p>Out of state
unwieghted gpa 3.6
weighted gpa 4.0
class rank top 15%
SAT M 610
SAT CR 490
SAT W 480
(took again hoping to increase both math and reading)
core cadets prospect
1 year varsity football (injured)
1 year varsity golf
student athlete ambassador through People to People (Austria)
Ap and Honor classes
international club</p>

<p>can anyone tell me my chances and relieve some anxiety?</p>

<p>Your GPA is great but your SAT is lacking. How many AP did you take?</p>

<p>i am taking 3 this year, calc ab and bc, and gov…but that is it, i didnt think i was ready up until this year. i have taken the sat again last saturday, and i am signed up to do it again in january, what should i be aiming for?
also if it helps, i’ve tooken honers instead of ap up until this year</p>