
<p>GPA: 3.5 UW, 3.9 W (very competive highschool) All A's and B's no C's
SAT: taking it in 3 weeks, hoping for 2000 - 2200
SAT IIs: taking US history, Math level one, and Latin this spring
APs: World History: 5, taking US history and Geography this year, Econ and Stat next year
Rank: my high school doesnt rank but i would say within top 25% out of 500</p>

<p>EC's : Student council, Junior State of America, Peer Leaders (group that helps socially challenged kids in my school, probably end up being president of it my senior year)</p>

Varsity soccer 3 years, league champs 1 year, captain
varsity indoor track 4 years,2 league champs and one division one champ, captain
varsity outdoor track 4 years, 1 league champs (captains are decided after the season). </p>

<p>worked 35 hours a week during the summer and weekends during the school year</p>

<p>I got in this year with a 3.4 UW 4.0 W. I took a good amount of APs and honors. I had a 1380 SAT. Really if you get a 2000-2200 you will get in for sure in my opinion.</p>

<p>Make your spring semester grade as high as possible. Madison seems to value class ranks more than test scores. With the EC activities you're doing top 25% will get you in, I think.</p>

<p>here are some of their stats
Academic Qualifications (middle 50%)
Class Rank 85th to 96th percentile
GPA (unweighted academic) 3.5 to 3.9
SAT (max score of 1600) 1180 to 1350
ACT 26 to 30 </p>

<p>check out this too: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Didn't we all go to a "very competitive high school"?</p>

<p>Ahhhh...high school how I DO NOT miss you so...</p>

<p>well my high school is ranked in the top 20 of all american high schools so....</p>

<p>I got in this year with a 3.0 GPA, C's in spanish class, and a 1300 SAT and 27 ACT. I was postponed though and my senior year GPA is a 3.85 or higher, all A's 1 B+ with AP calc. I think its my senior grades that helped but GPA isnt everything.</p>

<p>Make sure you send in a recommendation letter. That will greatly improve your chances.</p>

Make your spring semester grade as high as possible. Madison seems to value class ranks more than test scores. With the EC activities you're doing top 25% will get you in, I think.


<p>Not sure I agree with this. I think if you are say top 2 % of your class, you are in; but same can be said if you have a 1450. The kid that got rejected with a 1500 must have had a really lame courseload and GPA. Thats the only way I can understand his rejection.</p>