
<p>hey I'm a rising senior and I was wondering what my chances were for acceptance. EC achievments from my senior year are just things I've been elected/promised. I'm interested in journalism/creative writing/acting:</p>

<p>GPA (unweighted): (I seperated the years to show improvment)
freshman: 2.5
sophomore: 3.5
junior: 3.8</p>

freshman: 2.5
sophomore: 3.6
junior: 4.0</p>

<p>SAT: M-550, CR- 570 (I'm raising it)</p>

<p>Extra curricular:</p>

<p>Copy editor of HS newspaper junior year</p>

<p>Editor in chief of HS newspaper senior year</p>

<p>Editor in chief of HS literary magazine junior and senior year</p>

<p>Lead role in 3 plays during junior and senior years (the breakfast club, rocky horror picture show, and la mantis religiosa) at local community theatre</p>

<p>supporting role in one school play freshman year (bye bye birdie)</p>

<p>Vice president of junior class</p>

<p>President of student body in my senior year</p>

<p>AP english outstanding achievement award junior year</p>

<p>Journalism/newspaper outstanding achievement award junior year</p>

<p>Winner of Youth Tour to Washington speech contest 2006</p>

<p>1-2 years of private guitar lessons (i don't know if that matters)</p>

<p>I think there's more but you get the idea, just a lot of literary/theatre/ leadership type stuff</p>

oh and a week long journalism study at the University of Florida bt junior and senior years</p>


<p>My "stats" are fairly similar to yours^^ so I am just as curious. Someone say something please.</p>

<p>i dunno. if they think you're interesting then i think you have a pretty good shot. i got in and i didn't have very good stats...3.4 GPA and i bombed the SATs. but i'm pretty cool and i will be going there come september. oooh yeee.</p>

<p>yeah, that's what I figured.</p>

<p>If I were you I'd definitely interview if you have the chance. There definitely is a type they they're looking for at Hampshire, and if you fit this standard they're often willing to look past grades/stats. Be self motivated, be interested and interesting, have a desire to learn and to do, be personable, and research a bit about the school before you go in to the interview.</p>

<p>I have a cumulative 3.3 uw gpa, and a 2050 sats, and I interviewed with them and got the highest merit scholarship they offer, so really it all comes down to if they want you or not.</p>

<p>goodluck and hope to see you at Hampshire!</p>