
<p>I applied ED to Cornell CAS and got deferred </p>

<p>I think it's probably because I got 2 C's for my AP classes 1st quarter</p>

<p>For the 2nd-quarter, I think I will get my grades in the B and A range</p>

<p>Is that OK?</p>

<p>My GPA from freshman to junior year was a 3.6 with mostly</p>

<p>the hardest courses.</p>

<p>I have good EC's and my SAT scores are 740M 690V,</p>

<p>800 Math 2c, 710 Chem, and 750 Writing.</p>

<p>I think my essays are good and I have okay recs.</p>

<p>Also would sending additional essays help? Thank you.</p>