
<p>I am a African American Female from California my school is in the top 200 for the best schools in the nation. I started going there my sophmore year so my grades dropped that year so it brought down my gpa a bit. Also i am from a single parent household
GPA: 3.6 uw 3.8w
SAT: 2180
SAT2: 750/740/700
Medical Explorer
School Newspaper
Cancer research center volunteer
Drama tech crew
track and field
teaching internship
Hospital volunteer</p>

<p>My mom and my aunt went to this school</p>

<p>I would be shocked if you are not accepted. The only potential problem I see, asssuming you are a senior, is if you sent in your application late in the process. With rolling admissions, it is in your best interest to submit the application as early as possible. If you are a junior, submit your application as soon as you can when the applicaton period opens in the fall. I have repeatedly heard tht UW is increasing it's acceptance of out of state students. I'm also from CA, applied early November and was accepted although I'll be attending a LAC.</p>

<p>i am a junior</p>

<p>One other point. On your application, I suggest a short explanation as to why your grades dropped, i.e. the difficulty of the school, etc. On their website, UW mentions about upward and downward trends in grades. I still think you are a very strong candidate.</p>

<p>Madison is really struggling with it's image with respect to diversity. I would say you will absolutely get in, and I would be shocked if they weren't willing to give you a lot of money to go there.</p>

<p>"I am a African American Female"</p>

<p>You're in</p>

<p>If you can stabilize the grades you might get $$$ from the Chancellor's Scholarships.</p>

<p>dreams16, your stat looks very competitive. I certainly encourage you applying to Wisconsin. You also have a good shot at some scholarship money which could make Wisconsin very affordable. I understand that you are attending a top HS which means your class is going to very competitive. The class rank factor often trips many otherwise well qualified applicants. If you are in the top 15% of your class, then you are good shape. Try applying as early as possible to maximize your chance (just in case if there is more than a few candidates from your district).</p>