
<p>I was just curious to know what my advantages and disadvantages were so I could really focus on improving in the next few years. I am a freshman and am hispanic/black. My main interests/passions are violin, writing, volunteering, and law. Here are my stats so far:
Honors English 9 (A)
Honors Geometry (B+)
Honors French 2 (A-)
Honors Biology (A)
Honors World History (A)
Orchestra (A)
Next Year:
Honors English 10
Honors Algebra 2
Honors Chemistry
Honors Modern History/Civics
Honors French 3

<p>Here are the activities I do currently:
Orchestra (6 years at school)
Project Music: Violin (8 and 9th grade so far, after school violin lessons)
PresidentÂ’s Volunteer Service Award (150+ hours)
Volunteer Program at Local Library (49 hours)
Summer Program at local university (For students interested in law)</p>

<p>These are the activities I plan to take next year through 12th:
Mock Trial
Debate Team
Model U. N
School Newspaper </p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Focusing on a short list of colleges (especially the ultra elites) is rife with potential let down. I would advise that you just continue to pursue the things that really interest you versus what might impress some college. If your passion and curiosity emerge, then that's your hook. </p>

<p>In your HS, take the most rigorous program possible and perform well! This plus devoted ECs make you a viable candidate. However, like I first said, the ultra elites have admissions rates >10%. </p>

<p>Come your Jr. year, have a broad view of the types of schools you can envisage yourself in. Having a singular focus on Yale isn't wise at all.</p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice.</p>