
<p>White openly gay male at all-boys prestigious private institution in CT</p>

<p>Only male to ever come out in my school's history since 1902</p>

<p>G.P.A. 84% >no A.P.s except for Art</p>

<p>Reading: 600
Math: 640
Writing: 600</p>



<p>Impressive and unique recommendations </p>

<p>Want to look into the Marketing Program</p>

<p>Is there a chance I'll get into UM?</p>

<p>First of all, why should the fact that your gay have anything to do with anything? To be honest, I do not think you are a good candidate for Miami. You need a B+/A-/A average to get into Miami and higher SAT scores, in your case like a 1400 level because of your low GPA.</p>

<p>Generally, an 84 average would be too low for Miami, but since you mentioned a difficult private school, their grading policies may be tougher than the norm, in which case, the GPA would be acceptable. As BruinsJEW stated, I wouldn't focus on my sexuality, unless it somehow relates to your character strengths (for instance, if coming out in that school took an unusual amount of bravery or independence).</p>

<p>zzzz, UM probably says " good lord not another gay story" every time they read one..</p>