<p>Exciting title, I know</p>
<p>White, Male, Florida, Senior
School: Highly competitive private
GPA: 3.41 UW (will be over 3.5 after first semester)
ACT: 33
SAT II: None yet.
Csci A: 2
Euro: 3
US History: 5
Macroecon: ?
Micro econ: ?
US Gov: ?
Comparative gov: ?
Stats: ?</p>
Student Government
Cofounder of a somewhat major website
Junior Statesmen of America
Political Issues (club)
Programming Competitions</p>
Ultimate Frisbee (intramural)
JV Lacrosse
JV Soccer
Golf (not through the school)</p>
AP Computer Science Award
3rd place in a novice debate tournament (9)
Honor Roll (9,11,12)
Dean's list (3.67 gpa for the semester or higher) (12) *will have this for first half</p>
Moved from NY to Florida after freshman year
ADD and Depression (I hate to use these as an excuse and would like to avoid it if at all possible)</p>
ADD and Depression (I hate to use these as an excuse and would like to avoid it if at all possible)
<p>I recommend NOT to put this on your application. I have slight depression as well, and I do not wish admission officers to know. Beware of what you put on your applications.</p>
<p>I had depression (diagnosed and treated) for my first 2 years of high school. Any reason why I shouldn't put that down?</p>
<p>I also had depression and was treated for it. </p>
<p>I chose not to put it on the application because of something my physics teacher told me. College admissions officers also have to think about liability issues, and depression is technically an insurance liability, regardless of whether it was treated or not. </p>
<p>Once you are accepted, you can always note it on your health forms, and that's fine, but I suggest keeping your essays and notes positive. Depression still has a social stigma associated with it, and it is much less accepted as a technical mental illness as something such as schizophrenia or ADD.</p>