
<p>Location: United States
Ethnicity: African American (male)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 (Ap's and honors)
Class rank: 42 out of ~500
School: Slight competitive public</p>

<p>SAT I: 2060</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars: National art honor society (President)
Founder/President of Architecture club
Cornell summer college(architecture)
Interned at local firm
Art classes at local community college</p>

4.UT -Austin(in state)
6.Cooper Union

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>i think you have a good chance at all except maybe syracuse, cornell, and rice, as they are very competitive schools, but it wouldn't hurt to apply. you're diverse in all areas so you'd made a good selection.</p>

<p>I think for some schools.. it really depends on that portfolio. I have no architecture experience aside from a summer program, I envy you for your internship. Did you apply ED cornell?</p>

<p>Cornell adcom from AAP explicitly stated that they don't care about your ECs (like, the non-architecture related ones) so don't worry about those.. you might need to bring up your SAT for some of our top schools, but I'm getting a feeling they make exceptions if your art is exceptional.</p>

<p>I am also applying to cornell, cmu, syracuse, cooper, and risd. Chance I'll see you?</p>

<p>possibly :)</p>

<p>Anyone else please</p>

<p>I missed that you were African-American the first time I read your post. I think your chances are excellent. There are way too few AA's going into architecture. You've got a very good SAT score and grades, and great experience too. I'd be astonished if you didn't get into most of the schools you are applying to.</p>

<p>Based on my D's HS history, many students get into top arch colleges such as Cornell and Rice with stats similar to yours. The portfolio is a very important aspect of the application. (My D attends a small selective private HS, so I don't know if that makes a difference when applying) With a nice portfolio, I think you have a great chance. Good luck!</p>

<p>Wow thanks guys.</p>

<p>Anyone else please.</p>

<p>Grant, your portfolio is really the deciding factor for most of these schools. It’s very hard to chance you.</p>

<p>You certainly are a contender at all the schools you listed. Unknown is your portfolio and the number and quality of other applicants vying for the limited seats. Best if you apply to at least several of them and add some less selective programs because… you never know…</p>