
<p>Hello, my name is Tyler and I have never been into the whole Ivy League thing. However, when I found out that if your family makes less than 60,000 a year you can get a full ride I quickly became interested. I am currently a junior so I still have some things to do to get ready for college, but I thought I would get a preliminary opinion. OK so here is my info.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.078
Rank: 1 of 714
Public High School
ACT( took as sophomore taking it again in like 2 weeks): 29 (hoping for 33)</p>

<p>Schedule: 10th
Honors Chem
ACC Algebra II
Spanish III
AP History (got a 4 on the exam)
English 10
Drawing Fundamentals (got thrown in I hate art lol)</p>

AP Government (haven't taken exam yet)
English 11
Organic Chem
Analytical Chem
Bio II
ACC Trig
Spanish IV</p>

<p>Prospective 12th grade schedule
AP Calc BC
AP Bio
AP Chem
AP Spanish (spanish V)
English 12
Newspaper/Brit Lit/Sociology (i dont know yet)</p>

<p>Extra Curricular</p>

<p>Science Olympiad
Driven Club (christian club)
Spanish Club
Spanish Honors Society
Varsity Tennis
Young Republicans</p>

<p>I come from an extremely low income family (Less than 15000 a year.) My parents are divorced and I live with my mom. I am a first generation college attendee.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your help. I know these can be annoying. Please be brutally honest</p>

<p>Too bad Vandy isn’t ivy.</p>

<p>Copy and paste from other college forum fail.</p>

<p>I’m no expert, but if you’re already stressed out now, you’re gonna need help later on coping. I think your chances are good. You’re working now on improving your scores and grades. Your rank can’t be improved!! :)<br>
Do you know that colleges require financial info on BOTH parents, even the non-custodial parent (your dad) when parents are divorced??? They do.<br>

<p>Do you guys think ill get a full ride?</p>

<p>If I were you I would be worrying first on getting in.</p>

<p>Lol, this thread is funny.</p>