
<p>Cumulative unweighted GPA: Anywhere from 3.8 - 3.85, Weighted: 4.4 - 4.6 maybe?
(4 AP classes, all other academic classes were Honors except for one Regular class. I could have taken like..7 total APs I suppose, but I only took 4. I got a D in one class and I also dropped one class that was an AP so that's showing up as a C. All other grades were As except for a couple of Bs. Grade trend is upward, downward, then again upward.)
Competitive public high school in US News & World Report Top 100- From MD.
SAT: 2100 (680 M/690 CR/730 W)</p>

<p>Extracurricular involvement:
I don't want to get into specific details but.. member of a few clubs, 260 community service hours, a couple of leadership positions. Overall I've not been super involved in extracurricular activities, so I'd say about average involvement. However there is one activity that should be very eye-catching.</p>

<p>I would apply as an Undeclared major but would probably choose something Liberal Arts/Humanities or possibly Economics or Marketing.</p>

<p>Also what's it like for out-of-state students, and how good is their financial aid?
Does the major you choose affect your acceptance? Like if you choose a major that isn't popular at all, do you have a better chance of getting in?</p>