
<p>I'm applying for Fall 2011.</p>

<p>Freshman year average: 93
Sophomore: 94
Junior: 97
So my overall is around a 94. My school does not give GPAs so I have no idea what that is out of 4.0. I am fairly sure those are weighted, I have no idea what they are unweighted because my school does everything weighted all the time for AP & honors.
SAT: 2050/1360 (CR: 690, M: 670, W: 690)
ACT: 31 (English: 35, Reading: 35, Math: 25 (killed me), Science: 30)
AP Euro - 3
AP English Lang- 4
taking AP Gov, AP English Lit, Spanish CLEP, and college calculus this year. </p>

<p>I'm worried about my ECs. I have many, but I haven't been with any of them for 98359321 years.
NHS treasurer
Irish dance - 3 years
Scholar Award at my school
Distiction in English Award (school)
Student of the Month
Volunteer (40 hours) at Children's Hospital
Shakespeare Lives! (one of two core members, we don't elect offices, definitely my most involved school club.) - 10-12
Interned at Shakespeare production company this summer
Regional Theater Volunteer (only for two shows)
I've skiied for around six years.
I worked at JCPenney for 7 months but resigned for the Shakespeare internship
I'm joing Scholastic Bowl this year (wanted to join really bad last year but work prevented it).
Link Crew - 11th grade
Leadership Team- 9-12
This year i'm taking ballet, scuba diving, and joining a sailing team.</p>

<p>I'm undecided. Will that hurt me?</p>


<p>First of all- you can calculate your unweighted gpa by subtracting out the weighting factor and converting to a 4.0 scale. Ask your school how to do that. Also-if not lowered by “unweighting”, your junior year gpa is an improvement- that looks good to admissions. Sounds like the “most rigorous” classes offered schedule- also in your favor. Try to do your best again this year. You can group some of your EC’s together. Only do the ones you want to for yourself, not to pad your resume. Also be sure you can keep up with your academics-don’t let EC’s drop your gpa. Overall sounds like it is worth your while applying. With rolling admissions you can apply early next month and get an answer in time to plan other applications before deadlines.</p>

<p>You are a clear admit.</p>