Chances? :)

<p>So, can I get in? Any advice, suggestions, etc, would be amazing. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>SAT: (first time, no studying) 1940 (will retake in Oct.9)
ACT:27 (Taken twice) :(
GPA: UW 3.6 W 3.9 (out of possible 4.3 I think)
Rank: 65 out of 509 (Top 13%)
Ethnicity: African-American
State: Illinois</p>

<p>Voices in Action (volunteer group)- Co-President & Founder; (9-12)
Skyline (Newspaper)- Editor; (12)
Student Council- Vice President; (11) President; (12)
O Ambassadors- President; (10-12)
Student Ambassador- (11-12)
CIVITAS (Social Studies Honor Society) - (11-12)
NHS (National Honor Society)- (11-12)
New Beginnings- (11-12)
Philosophy club- (11-12)
Directing tours for incoming freshman (11)
Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society)- (11-12)
200+ volunteer hours
Humanitarian award
AP Scholar with Distinction</p>

<p>As a freshman one other friend of mine and myself founded a community volunteer organization. We coordinate people and offer ourselves as volunteers and aids for larger charities, etc. Its a lot of work to be in charge of so many poeple, but we love it. I have also done a lot of work with UNICEF, Free the Children, Me to We, and Green America. I organized a volunteer event and oversaw over 75 participants and volunteers. I've attended volunteer leader events and meeteings as well. </p>

<p>Schedule for senior year:
AP Statistics
AP Biology
AP English: Literature & Composotion
PE Leaders Gym
Class Piano
AP U.S. Government
AP Spanish
Public Speaking and Communications</p>

<p>Previous AP Classes and Scores:
Us history-3
English:Lang and Comp- 4
Microeconomics- 4
Macroeconomics- 4</p>

<p>Communication major:)</p>

<p>Your test scores and gpa are within the accepted students’ range. You have good EC’s. UW only uses the unweighted gpa. Your proposed major will have no effect on your acceptance as UW doesn’t use that in its admissions decisions. You have an impressive array of AP tests already passed, plus those classes taken now. You also have minority status. No guarantees but I think you have a good chance of being accepted to UW- it is worth your while to apply. Remember to continue to do your best and enjoy your senior year of HS. Good luck.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You might like to read this thread about the scholarships for historically underrepresented and culturally disadvantaged students; these are awarded based on outstanding academic achievement, not financial need. Deadline to apply is February 1, 2011.</p>

<p>It may be worth it to retake the ACT as well.</p>

<p>wis75, Thanks so much for the encouragement. Senioritis is in full flare but I’m trying to improve further. haha</p>

<p>Madison85. I’ll definetly take a look at the scholarship stuff, thanks for the link! I dont really have any motivation to take the ACT again, and even if I did, I don’t think I’d be able to take it in time. But, I’m gonna try really hard on the SAT</p>

<p>Keep up the work, especially with those AP classes. Your motivation- get good scores on the AP tests and you can get college credits from many schools. Helpful in meeting breadth reqs and getting to register earlier with higher class standing (soph/jr). You will do better next spring if you have consistently learned the material as it is presented- too much to cram for come April and May. Same score twice on ACT- don’t bother retaking. Do the free practice SAT tests and figure out which areas give you the most trouble, work on those.</p>

<p>“Same score twice on ACT- don’t bother retaking.”</p>

<p>My scores: 27, 28, 28, 30, 30</p>

<p>I took it five times, and did not stop after my second 28. It paid off.</p>

<p>My son’s friend in Ogg had a 32 ACT and earned one of the Chancellor’s scholarships, so you don’t necessarily need a tippy top score.</p>

<p>SAT in 2 days! I’m feaking out, but I just found out that I got an Outstanding commendation in the NAS. So im in the top 3 percent of AAs who took it. Idk if thats good cause it still sounds like I’m not smart enough, but w/e. Should I put it on my college resume?</p>

<p>Noted the 5 ACT’s-time interval from first to last can influence scores. For a senior who has already taken the test twice and planning the SAT (good luck!) enough is enough.</p>

<p>Don’t know what NAS is, but awards are usually worth listing. Remember your impressive list of AP courses and grades will count most so keep up the studying.</p>

<p>NAS=National Achievement Scholarship (part of the National Merit Scholarship Contest)</p>

<p>And thanks for the luck! I’ll probably need. Been trying to get in some last minute studying but I’m freaking a little haha.</p>

<p>Time interval… I basically took them one after another when the next one was available. The more you take it, the more practice you have with it… you should usually increase at least a little bit. There is always going to be a time interval considering you don’t take all 5 at the same time.</p>

<p>But yes all of this is besides the point now.</p>

<p>And Madison85 you just had to say your son was in Ogg, ugh my jealousy.</p>