Change in Legacy Admissions?

<p>No more legacy admissions informational meetings at Sweeten.
In fact, Sweeten Alumni has been eliminated, I believe.
Can't find any legacy-specific info on the website anymore..
Does this portend a change in how legacy is weighted in admissions?
45 Percenter, what have you heard?</p>

<p>My understanding (from statements by Amy Gutmann, etc.) is that legacy is still taken into account in Early Decision admissions, but there are no longer any legacy admissions advising services offered through the alumni office, as explained here:</p>

<p>[PAARC</a> Info](<a href=“]PAARC”></p>

<p>And as far as I know, the Sweeten Alumni House is still there on Locust Walk.</p>

<p>I was told that Sweeten will no longer function as an alumni house. Perhaps I misunderstood?
They did away with the alumni interviews on campus, now the legacy advising on campus has been eliminated. There were traveling regional presentations solely for legacy applicants in recent years. I have not seen those being scheduled.</p>

<p>The part of the website you linked to seems to currently be the only mention of legacy admissions. There used to be an entire page on legacy admissions, including the part about legacy being weighted most heavily in the ED round.</p>

<p>I am getting the distinct impression that Eric Furda is in the process of significantly reducing the role of legacy in the admissions process. Penn was one of the few universities of its caliber that openly and frankly acknowledged a legacy advantage in admissions, including a generous definition of legacy status, which was easily found on the website. It’s hard not to conclude that a shift is happening, when that information has disappeared. I will be very happy to be convinced otherwise!</p>