Changing ethnicity to hispanic?



<p>Yes, this is what is stated in the sticky thread the OP was referred to in post #12. </p>



<p>NHRP is not the only scholarship organization to require the applicant be a minimum amount Hispanic to qualify:</p>

<p>Hispanic Scholarship Fund:</p>

<p>[Hispanic</a> Scholarship Fund](<a href=“]Hispanic”></p>



<p>Hispanic Heritage Awards:</p>

<p>[Hispanic</a> Heritage Awards](<a href=“]Hispanic”></p>



<p>For NHRP, the HS GC must sign off that a student fits the Hispanic requirement. That is why families should be sure to designate Hispanic on school registrations. Of course given the nature of Hispanic ethnicity, it could be very difficult to prove or disprove percentage of Hispanic heritage, and like many things it comes down to honesty.</p>

<p>your ethnicity is whatever you want to put it as. I put asian and hispanic even though there is no asian in me at all. you are who ever you say you are.</p>