<p>I am currently a graduate student in Biology/Ecology. Now that my first year as a graduate student is over I am beginning to think that perhaps is better that I change my academic aspirations. I pictured myself reading passionately about global warming, environmental changes, but all I do most of the time is seat through boring lectures and read very uninteresting research papers. I find myself more interested in books than scientific research. I LOVEEE reading and literature has always been a major part of my life, so much that perhaps I might change to pursue a Masters Degree in English Lit. instead of Conservation Biology. My family thinks this will be a crazy change, that with a degree in English Lit. it will be much harder for me to find work.</p>
<p>Unlike most of you I do not have the desire to attend any ivy league schools. I was accepted to NYU but because of the financial aspect I was not able to attend. I feel stuck and very dissapointed at the moment, any useful advice is welcome.</p>