Changing school/major

<p>Hi everyone! I am currently a grade 11 student and I am thinking of applying to Princeton next but I just have a few questions regarding to the schools and admisson.
1) Do I need to chose a major/school when I apply?
2) Can I switch between different undergraduate schools?
3) Say if I have finished the undergraduate program for Fine Arts, is it possible for me to consider a Master in Engineering?</p>

<p>Thanks, guys! Any help is greatly apprecited!</p>

<p>1) Nope. You choose your major at the end of Sophomore year (for most students; at the end of Freshman year for engineers)</p>

<p>2) You can easily switch between AB and BSE (engineering). You can switch from BSE to AB up until Junior year and switch from AB to BSE up to Sophomore year.</p>

<p>3) What…</p>

<p>Thanks for the help! And never mind the last question, it was not very clear. I was just wondering if I can acquire a Master degree in other schools. (MBA even if I am in the Arts school)</p>

<p>You should do some research on how degrees work, at Princeton and in general. There’s clearly some confusion.</p>