<p>I am proud to say that I got accepted for the spring 2011 semester to Chapman from a CC as a 60 unit transfer. I am an accounting major and was wondering if anyone has experienced upper division accounting or business admin course work there, and wondering if the professors are super interactive with the students as advertised by Chapman. I learn more when I can ask as many questions as I can. Also want to know if accounting majors are recruited before graduation by big four firms often. Any type of firm for that matter will do for me. I am in my mid 20's, served in the military, married, and need to become a successful pretty quick. It is my goal to be living comfortably before I turn 31. I go to school on a limited amount of veteran benefits, so graduate school may be out of the question unless I can work and save for a few years before. Or graduate really fast. Any info about Chapman's business school would be great. Please do not tell me about how great the film school is. I do not care. haha I already sent in my deposit so chances are that is where I am going for the next two to three years. How would Chapman accounting compare to lets say CSULB, SD, or UCSB?</p>