Chat with a Student

<p>Chat With A Student</p>

<p>Want to talk to a real, live Brown student on your own time from your own desk?</p>

<p>Network with our new Bruin Club AIM networkers! During certain hours, Brown students will be online to casually talk with you about anything from life at Brown to the applications process (although they do not know the secret to getting into Brown, so don’t expect them to know it all about getting in!). Simply AIM them using AOL Instant Messenger and you will be in the automatic know!</p>

<p>Brown Students are available on AIM Monday-Friday 8pm - 10pm. </p>

<p>To see a list of screenames available visit this link:</p>

<p>[The</a> Bruin Club - Chat With A Student](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>Hey, that's a really cool idea! Thanks.</p>

<p>or pm me....10char</p>